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Supporting Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

May 23, 2024
Supporting Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

In solidarity with the families affected by the heavy rains in Rio Grande do Sul, the BACCF invites everyone to help those in need.

Learn how to help by visiting the websites of the following trusted institutions:



Brazil Foundation

Click here to donate

Brazilian Red Cross

Rio Grande do Sul

Click here to donate


     Instituto Atitude       Fraterna & REAG



Instituto Elisabetha Randon


Para Quem Doar

Click here to donate

The opinions expressed in this email are the viewpoint of the author only and do not represent the BACCF’s stance on any issue, whether social or political in nature. The BACCF does not guarantee that the associated product, service or content will lead to any specific outcome or have guaranteed results.
As opiniões expressas neste e-mail são apenas a perspectiva do autor e não representam a posição da BACCF em qualquer questão, seja ela de natureza social ou política. A BACCF não garante que o produto, serviço ou conteúdo associado levará a algum resultado específico ou terá resultados garantidos.
Event Charges, (305) 579-9030

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