BACCF 2020 Feijoada - Texas de Brazil
February 8, 2020
11:30 AM - 3:30 PM EST
Register Now
Event Description:
The "Feijoada" is one of the most important annual events organized by the Chamber, when we welcome in the new Board of Directors for the upcoming year and thank our members for their continued contributions. This informal luncheon will be held on Saturday, February 8th from 11:30 am to 3:30 pm in the afternoon.
"Feijoada" is considered by some as Brazil's national dish - a stew of beans with a variety of beef and pork cuts. It is typically served with rice and accompanied by chopped fried collard greens, lightly roasted coarse cassava flour, and peeled and sliced oranges. You must try a real Brazilian caipirinha made with cachaça, making it a perfect occasion to treat employees, friends and clients alike to a fun-filled afternoon.
Interested in sponsoring this event? Simply choose the level that best fits your needs and secure your spot today.
Platinum Sponsorship
$3,000 Sponsorship Level
$5,000 Future-Member Price - includes one-year Trustee Membership
- 10 complimentary invitations
- Premium reserved seating table with company sign
- Company Logo with premium positioning on event invitation
- Eblast to BACCF mailing list
- Post on social media
- Listing on BACCF website with a hyperlink to your website
- Company Logo on all promotional material
- Special recognition at the event
- Display table and distribution of promotional material at event
- Company banner at event
- May provide a prize to be raffled at event
Gold Sponsorship
$1,500 Sponsorship Level
$2,500 Future-Member Price - includes one-year Patron Membership
- 6 complimentary invitations
- Preferred reserved seating
- Company Logo on event invitation
- Eblast to BACCF mailing list
- Post on social media
- Company Logo on all promotional material
- Display table and distribution of promotional material at event
- May provide a prize to be raffled at event
Silver Sponsorship
$500 Sponsorship Level
$1,000 Future-Member Price - includes one-year Large Corporate Membership
- 2 complimentary invitations
- Company Name on event invitation
- Eblast to BACCF mailing list
- Post on social media
- Company Name on all promotional material
- Distribution of promotional material at event
- May provide a prize to be raffled at event
Bronze Sponsorship
$250 Display Table | Special opportunity for Members only
- Display table and distribution of promotional material at event
- 1 company representative at booth (does not include event invitation)
- May provide a prize to be raffled
$1,800 Promotional Shot Glasses | Special opportunity for Members only
- 200 shot glasses will be custom-made with your company's Logo to be given to guests as a take-home gift
BACCF Members may provide a prize for the raffle at the BACCF Feijoada. It is not necessary to purchase a sponsorship to provide a prize. All guest tickets must be purchased individually and are not available for barter.
Benefits in providing a prize include:
-Company name on prize cards on tables at event
-Mention on the event page on the BACCF website (starting January 9)
-Recognition & opportunity to present prize
"Feijoada" is considered by some as Brazil's national dish - a stew of beans with a variety of beef and pork cuts. It is typically served with rice and accompanied by chopped fried collard greens, lightly roasted coarse cassava flour, and peeled and sliced oranges. You must try a real Brazilian caipirinha made with cachaça, making it a perfect occasion to treat employees, friends and clients alike to a fun-filled afternoon.
Interested in sponsoring this event? Simply choose the level that best fits your needs and secure your spot today.
Platinum Sponsorship
$3,000 Sponsorship Level
$5,000 Future-Member Price - includes one-year Trustee Membership
- 10 complimentary invitations
- Premium reserved seating table with company sign
- Company Logo with premium positioning on event invitation
- Eblast to BACCF mailing list
- Post on social media
- Listing on BACCF website with a hyperlink to your website
- Company Logo on all promotional material
- Special recognition at the event
- Display table and distribution of promotional material at event
- Company banner at event
- May provide a prize to be raffled at event
Gold Sponsorship
$1,500 Sponsorship Level
$2,500 Future-Member Price - includes one-year Patron Membership
- 6 complimentary invitations
- Preferred reserved seating
- Company Logo on event invitation
- Eblast to BACCF mailing list
- Post on social media
- Company Logo on all promotional material
- Display table and distribution of promotional material at event
- May provide a prize to be raffled at event
Silver Sponsorship
$500 Sponsorship Level
$1,000 Future-Member Price - includes one-year Large Corporate Membership
- 2 complimentary invitations
- Company Name on event invitation
- Eblast to BACCF mailing list
- Post on social media
- Company Name on all promotional material
- Distribution of promotional material at event
- May provide a prize to be raffled at event
Bronze Sponsorship
$250 Display Table | Special opportunity for Members only
- Display table and distribution of promotional material at event
- 1 company representative at booth (does not include event invitation)
- May provide a prize to be raffled
$1,800 Promotional Shot Glasses | Special opportunity for Members only
- 200 shot glasses will be custom-made with your company's Logo to be given to guests as a take-home gift
BACCF Members may provide a prize for the raffle at the BACCF Feijoada. It is not necessary to purchase a sponsorship to provide a prize. All guest tickets must be purchased individually and are not available for barter.
Benefits in providing a prize include:
-Company name on prize cards on tables at event
-Mention on the event page on the BACCF website (starting January 9)
-Recognition & opportunity to present prize