BACCF 2014 - Feijoada - SOLD OUT!!
January 25, 2014
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.
Event Description:
Join the BACCF for the first event of the year! Meet our new Board of Directors and enjoy a fun-filled afternoon with family and friends.
Saturday, January 25th 2014
BACCF Member: $50
Non-Member: $80
Children (10 years and younger): $20
Reserve an exclusive table an additional $50 – SPACE IS LIMITED!
The Beans - BACCF Annual Feijoada Sponsorship Opportunities
$3,000 Sponsorship Level (Gold)
- 10 complimentary invitations to the event
- Preferred reserved seating table with company sign
- Banner ad on BACCF website featuring event (for 3 months)
- Company name and logo on BACCF website announcing event
- Company name and logo on event invitation
- Name and logo to be printed on all promotional material promoting the event to be sent to over 20,000 emails (executives and entrepreneurs)
- Display table at event
- Distribution of promotional material
- May display a company banner at event
- May provide a prize to be raffled at event
- Mention in selected press releases
$1,500 Sponsorship Level (Silver)
- 6 complimentary invitations
- Preferred reserved seating table
- Company logo on BACCF website announcing event
- Company name on event invitation
- Distribution of promotional material at event
- May provide a prize to be raffled at event
- Mention in selected press releases
$500 Sponsorship Level (Bronze)
- 2 complimentary invitations
- Company name on event invitation
- Distribution of promotional material
- May provide a prize to be raffled
$250 Promotional Booth
- Display table
- 1 company representative at booth (does not include event invitation)
- May provide a prize to be raffled
Saturday, January 25th 2014
BACCF Member: $50
Non-Member: $80
Children (10 years and younger): $20
Reserve an exclusive table an additional $50 – SPACE IS LIMITED!
The Beans - BACCF Annual Feijoada Sponsorship Opportunities
$3,000 Sponsorship Level (Gold)
- 10 complimentary invitations to the event
- Preferred reserved seating table with company sign
- Banner ad on BACCF website featuring event (for 3 months)
- Company name and logo on BACCF website announcing event
- Company name and logo on event invitation
- Name and logo to be printed on all promotional material promoting the event to be sent to over 20,000 emails (executives and entrepreneurs)
- Display table at event
- Distribution of promotional material
- May display a company banner at event
- May provide a prize to be raffled at event
- Mention in selected press releases
$1,500 Sponsorship Level (Silver)
- 6 complimentary invitations
- Preferred reserved seating table
- Company logo on BACCF website announcing event
- Company name on event invitation
- Distribution of promotional material at event
- May provide a prize to be raffled at event
- Mention in selected press releases
$500 Sponsorship Level (Bronze)
- 2 complimentary invitations
- Company name on event invitation
- Distribution of promotional material
- May provide a prize to be raffled
$250 Promotional Booth
- Display table
- 1 company representative at booth (does not include event invitation)
- May provide a prize to be raffled